Max Erle & Coral Rose Kindred-Boothby
Max Erle’s comics are about the ordinary, humane and the bizarre, all hand drawn with ink and colour pencil. The comic strip: “The Lars and Cutlett Show” has been a great way to invite strange and wonderful characters onto the pages, be they a wizard with dancing gnomes, a man who talks to dogs, or someone who dreams of being a horse. Phil Crocodil offers a more personal reflection, as an underground musician careering around the stop-start nature of his existence; will he eventually give it all up? Who knows.
"The Scrubland" is a handmade instrument by Coral Rose Kindred-Boothby. Using electrical circuits to evoke sounds from the old industrial space behind Coral's house, where the land was once carved by lead mining and limestone quarrying. It's now mostly overgrown, to varying degrees: birches, willows, hazels; st john's wort, marjoram; nettle and bramble. For more info and to listen to The Scrubland, follow link to soundscapes performance